The Impact Of Learning Spaces on Student Success
Outdated Practices Still Dominating
The 50-minute (give or take) class session structure continues to dominate in most schools. Even if a teacher wanted to take students into a breakout area, there isn’t enough time to “herd the cats” in and out of the classroom. Innovation has provided breakout spaces, in-between areas for collaboration, and hallway designs that encourage collision and connection. Due to this systemic issue described above (fear of distraction, control of students), these spaces go under-utilized, or worse yet, not used at all, and even more distressing, become storage zones. Square footage is lost and utility compromised.
We also see teaching to the test is not getting us where we need to be. Too often, these practices (although demanded “from above”) do not allow teachers the freedom to adapt a more personalized learning experience for each student.
How Designers Can Usher in Change
What designers bring to the dance is the knowledge of how people need to learn, how to work, and collaborate with multi-disciplinary teams in the “real world.” Thus, “innovative” spatial designs are developed to challenge the status quo of a teacher-centred practice, to one that is student-centred. Research begins to share the “proof” that these 21st-century practices yield higher levels of student academic engagement.
Fixed Versus Flexible Furniture Study
The built environment impacts behaviours: Results of an active-learning post-occupancy evaluation.
Do Teachers Want Flexible Collaborative Classrooms?
For a classroom to foster 21st-century learning styles, it needs a 21st-century classroom design with multi-purpose spaces and connected learning areas that support the movement, student choice, and a collaborative environment. certain features available in modern classrooms are the ability to accommodate different learning styles and classroom design that encourages movement and decreases sedentary behaviour.
Learning Styles: Students learn better at their own pace and are motivated by a variety of different methodologies. Schools that follow a traditional structure and environment can be stifling for students who require more visual, aural, and social/solitary learning. To achieve a variety of learning styles, schools need a renovation in some way.
Increasing physical movement: Students are able to get up from their desks, walk around, have options like standing desks, soft seating, and flexibility with how and where they learn.
Providing students with the option to be social or solitary in their learning space: Some students thrive in noisy workgroups, while others work better in a more solitary, quiet setting.
Resources for visual learners: Students learn better with both words and pictures than with words alone, some learn better when they can visualize what they’re learning with the help of videos, animations, and other media.
Accommodations for audio “aural” based learning: These include headsets or other hardware for students who find that listening to text helps them learn more efficiently.
One study reported that the top learning style accommodations for a completed construction or renovation project included increased physical movement opportunities (67%), providing students with the choice of being social or solitary (54%), and more resources for visual learners (46%).